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How to Apply Wellness in Design Strategies for Education Facilities
Facility Executive released a recent article about wellness and education facilities. The pandemic has shown, more than ever, the great...

Planning Learning Spaces: How to Rethink Classroom Space Utilization for Better Learning Outcomes
Fe News released a recent article that illustrates how Trumpington Park Primary School, part of Cambridge Primary Education Trust, has...

Learning Environments: What experts say about post pandemic learning environments?
The pandemic has challenged all of the educational systems to rethink the future classroom. EdTech Magazine posted a recent article...

Penrhos College challenges classical educational spaces by investing in innovative design
Learning environments are places in which creativity and innovation must be at the center. A recent article in Business Wire looks at how...

Education: Studies show how much work needs to be done to get our kids back on track in California
A recent study by Edsource gathering data from 84% of schools in California shows that we still have a ways to go to get everyone back in...

Pandemic Challenges Educational Institutions: Gamification is the New Answer?
A recent study made by MIT Sloan School of Management has shown that by borrowing different tools of the gaming industry, online learning...

St. John’s Challenges Tradition and Proposes a New Outdoor Learning Environment
Grassy green spaces, intermittent gardens, mulched pathways and wooden boxes filled with water are the new protagonists of the...

An Update: Successful Higher Ed Covid-19 Response From "The Atlantic"
Pleased to highlight this informative article from The Atlantic, written by Aaron E. Carroll, Professor of Pediatrics at Indiana...

School in Bloom
MKThink is conducting campus assessments to ensure that Hawaii’s public school facilities continue to provide positive built environments...
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