A recent article of the AAP News reveals the different challenges of the smarter buildings of the future. Brian Turner, chief executive at Buildings IOT affirms that the returning back to workspaces needs to ensure: healthy spaces that guarantee adequate ventilation, temperature, and humidity conditions. “Think about any kind of space that's going to house humans, it's temperature, humidity, and air flow. Those three things have been shown to contribute to lower transmission rates”.
Environmental mycologist Heike Neumeister-Kemp, agrees that there should be National standards on indoor air quality and incentives for keeping contaminants low. “The exposure with anything, particulates, whether they're alive or not, or viral, is reduced by simply maintaining buildings”. Neumeister-Kemp is worried people will be forced to work and live in dirty buildings without any policies on air quality.
Let's review some key points from the article:
Aeries scientist, Steven Kritzler, affirms that the Australian company Aeries provides an air filter treatment technology that is being used around the world to curb the spread of COVID-19 indoors, including on public transport. “The Aeris filter treatment can be applied now to most existing deep bed HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) filters in commercial buildings, schools, retail centres and various indoor venues.” He said the treatment contains a safe, readily biodegradable active biocide that kills 99,99 percent of bacteria and viruses, including COVID-19.
Smart buildings use sensors to measure changes in temperature, humidity, CO2 and very volatile organic compounds, which are emissions from products used to construct and furnish the building. Those sensors can measure and capture data that is then assessed by software that can see if a particular area is becoming “less healthy”, and the control systems can send more fresh air to that space.
Occupancy detection: which is a step up of lighting that determines when a person has entered a room and switches on or makes it brighter. New technologies using Internet of Things (IoT) sensors will enable more control of buildings, still achieve energy efficiency goals and less energy waste, but also maintain a good healthy environment.
Governments are backing research into smart monitoring to help households and businesses to reduce the energy costs and emissions. The Data-Drivers Smart Buildings project, in Australia, aims to provide real-time data from buildings to better manage energy consumption and establish greater efficiency patterns.
After the pandemic, investments turned in favor to projects that included Industry 4.0 with technologies such as IoT, Artificial Intelligence, cloud applications in order to improve energy productivity and create safer places.
MKThink is working with sensors in all of its projects to have good information to drive decision-making. Learn more by contacting us. Or to read more about today's article, click here: https://7news.com.au/business/smarter-buildings-tackle-health-and-energy-c-4795356