In a recent article in dezeen, they cover how a number of large A&E firms are signing on to a commitment to reduce Carbon Emissions by 2050. Among those firms who have signed on are world-renowned firms such as ARUP, SOM and now Buro Happold, the British professional services firm working in over 24 locations globally. Each of these firms will focus on how they can reduce embodied carbon (the carbon emitted through the process of material extraction, delivery and use in construction), primarily in the structural systems used in buildings (steel and concrete).
The ambitious commitment seeks to eliminate embodied carbon from projects by 2050. Of course not all carbon emissions will be eliminated, so those that can't be will be offset through other carbon negative activities. But this is still a dramatic commitment that will start with measurement of existing embodied carbon in projects and track yearly until the final goal is achieved.
MKThink has been a leader in reducing carbon emissions by avoiding the need to build new buildings that no one needs. Instead, we focus on how we can better use the buildings we already have, understanding usage patterns and latent capacity to increase building performance. We tend to think if you built it, you'd better be using it to its fullest potential before you build something else. We call this Build Less. Solve More.
To read more, visit the original dezeen article here.