Check out article here.
" The fight to survive lies at the heart of Kyohei Sakaguchi’s world, whether he is writing self-help books, painting, creating a suicide help line, or designing recycled housing ... " is how NYT introduces us to the intense, thoughtful and surprising accomplishments of this impressive community focused thinking/creator.
I would like to add artistic/pioneer who is an inspiration to the importance - and beauty of building less while solving more.
Lots in here to digest, a super talented artist with his struggles, trying to help others too ... but if thats not enough, his perspective and commitment is compelling : ...
... what also got my attention is his Sakaguchi's broad and non-conventional, yet effective and stunning explorations to solve problems, but not bound to building to do so
... Also didn't know that abandoned houses is a huge and expanding issue in Japan ... 6 million abandoned homes ?! The link to that data reference is Here.
For those of you who want to connect with ideas | stories | artists | tech, that helps our architecture - our built world - be more useful, especially by building less and solving more, message me through the website, or the other ways you know how to find me and us ..