Learning outcomes, a fundamental aspect of MKThink's practice, assess how a space and environment can enhance the knowledge of individuals who engage with them. To create a learning outcome solution, MKThink looks to the intersections of design, psychology, culture, and environment to create spaces that enhance a learning experience and act as a learning tool to guide work with schools, universities, and beyond.
See examples of learning outcomes solutions with the Oakland Unified School District, Emeryville Unified School District, Town School for Boys, Stanford Law School, Hawaii Department of Education, and more.

MKThink develops learning outcome solutions by working with school districts and educational authorities to create education specifications ("Ed Specs"). Ed specs outline the programmatic, functional, spatial, and environmental needs of a new or remodeled educational facility. In essence, they tell the story of how the school's built environment will support the academic program and vision of school leadership.
As stated in "A Handbook for Writing Education Specifications," "A well-prepared educational specification is integral to creating a building that enhances the learning environment, accommodates learning activities, and provides pleasant surroundings for occupants and visitors."

Ed Specs define how lighting, physical comforts, temperature, air quality, audio and visual technologies, and spatial layout will influence learning outcomes. Illuminated in the research by Blackmore et al. (2011) and Barret and Zhang (2017), Ed Specs direct the planning and design of educational facilities to optimize learning spaces, recognizing the intricate connection between the learning environments and student achievement.
Furthermore, Ed Specs are forward-looking. Not only do they define a guide for present learning outcomes, but they also anticipate new school and community use patterns and adapt to evolving programs and demographic trends. See MKThink's Ed Spec work with Oakland Unified School District here.
Interested in learning more about how Ed Specs could help learning outcomes at your school? Contact us here.